Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jack Dempsey

click to view larger image of Jack Dempsey and his bulldog King.

William Harrison "Jack" Demspey (The Manassa Mauler)
June 24, 1895 - May 31, 1983

Jack Dempsey's bulldog bit Artemis Geranois (a child) in Shelby, Montana during his training for his famous July 4, 1923 fight with Tom Gibbons. A $10,000 lawsuit was filed against Dempsey and his manager Jack Kearns on behalf of the victim.

Ten years later, Dempsey's sister in law would find herself and one of her bulldogs before a judge. Susan Dempsey was ordered to fork over $3K Claire Hoffman. Mrs Dempsey tried to blame Hoffman's pekinese. Judge Percy Hight ordered the dogs to the courtroom and measured their teeth.

"It was the bulldog, all right."

Jack Dempsey and Jack Kearns

Reading Eagle 08.31.1923

Ogden Standard 06.01.1919

San Jose Evening News 04.27.1933

Jack Dempsey wiki


  1. Dempsey is occasionally cited as an example of famous Pit Bull owners.

    Another example of the Pit Bull Community worshipping maulers.

    Did they really expect people not to check their claims out?!?

    Roosevelt, Rachel Ray, Jesse James, and Jack Johnson are other examplkes of this phenomenon.

  2. OMG, great find. The Manassa Mauler?

    Are you making this up?

  3. nope, i found it on his wiki page.

  4. You can add Archie Moore, boxer and dogfighter.
