Monday, December 31, 2012
The Bull-Dog
The Bulldog (Canis Anglicus), is said to be an original English breed, and Colonel Smith suggests that this dog rather than the mastiff was the one which flourished in England in Roman times. Not indeed the breed as it at present exists, but "one little inferior to the mastiff," "but with the peculiar features of the bull form more strongly marked." "The bull-dog," says Colonel Smith, "differs from all others, even from the mastiff, in giving no warning of his attack by his barking, he grapples his opponents without in the least estimating their comparative weight and powers. We have seen one pinning an American Bison and holding his nose down till the animal gradually brought forward its hind feet and crushing the dog to death tore his muzzle out of the fangs, most dreadfully mangled. We have known another hallooed on to attack a disabled eagle; the bird unable to escape, threw himself on the back, and as the dog sprang at his throat, struck him with his claws, one of which penetrating the skull, killed him instantly, and caused his master the loss of a valued animal and one hundred dollars in the wager." "The bull-dog is possessed of less sagacity and less attachment than any of the hound tribe; he is therefore less favoured, and more rarely bred with care, excepting by professed amateurs of sports and feelings little creditable to humanity. He is of moderate size, but entirely moulded for strength and elasticity." He never leaves his hold, when once he has got it, while life lasts, hence he has become the type of obstinate pertinacity; and unflinching courage.
The Mastiff as Protector
Mr. Jesse gives the following story which he reprinted from a contemporary newspaper: "A most extraordinary circumstance has just occurred at the Hawick toll bar, which is kept by two old women. It appears they had a sum of money in the house, and were extremely anxious lest they should be robbed of it. Their fears prevailed to such an extent that when a carrier whom they knew was passing by, they urgently requested him to remain with them all night, which, however, his duties would not permit him to do; but in consideration of the alarm of the women, he consented to leave with them a large mastiff dog. In the night the women were disturbed by the uneasiness of the dog, and heard a noise apparently like an attempt to force an entrance into the premises, upon which they escaped by the back door, and ran to a neighboring house, which happened to be a blacksmith's shop. They knocked at the door, and were answered from within by the smith's wife. She said her husband was absent, but that she was willing to accompany the terrified women to their home. On reaching the house, they heard a savage but half-stifled growling from the dog. On entering they saw the body of a man hanging half in and half out of their little window, whom the dog had seized by the throat and was still worrying. On examination, the man proved to be their neighbor the blacksmith, dreadfully torn about the throat, and quite dead.
From The Universal Natural History, by Alfred H. Miles, Dodd Mead & Co., 1895
Friday, December 7, 2012
Ira Glass and Anaheed Alani
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Ira Glass reveals his dirty little secret on his national radio show This American Life. The secret: he and his wife not only harbor a dangerous pit bulldog that has bitten 6 people, they dote on it.
This American Nutter: The Piney Files
This American Life
The I Love My Bad Dog Blog
Act five: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
This is where the couple resides.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Buster Brown

Buster Brown
Pit Nutter Mission statement established in 1903. It's time for a new one guys! :-)
Outcault is probably laughing in his grave at how accurately his depiction of pit bull owners was and would still be 100 years later.
Buster Brown, the pit bull owning cartoon created by R. F. Outcault in 1903. Nutters wear this famous pit bull as a badge of honor but they fail to realize that Tige is no Lassie or Rin Tin Tin. In fact, Tige's primary contribution to the comic seems to be Buster's partner in mayhem.
Tige bites the doctor
Tige bites policeman
Tige bites the skipper
Tige bites man
Tige mayhem
Tige biting burglar
Tige bites Buster when he is forced to give Auntie a kiss
Tige creates mayhem while chasing a cat
Tige gets jealous when Buster fawns over a goat
And my personal favorite, Tige shows his true racist colors:
Tige bites the balloon man, he doesn't like "dagos".
Directory of all Buster Brown comics
Buster and America's Dog
The Truth About Buster Brown and Tige
Thursday, September 27, 2012
31 years ago today...
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Bulldog Attacks His Own Image
Rutherford, N. J., March 14. –
Ernest Bennings owns a bulldog that has more combativeness than brains, for it attacked its own image in a mirror.
Bennings and the dog passed a house at Rutherford from which a family was moving; various pieces of furniture were on the sidewalk, a mirror of heavy glass leaned against the wall.
Seeing the dog in the looking glass the bulldog growled and showed his teeth. Of course the dog in the looking glass answered the defiance by showing its fanges.
The bulldog instantly sprang at its reflection only to butt his head and rebound. Picking itself up tho the dog dashed at the mirror again with such force as to smash it.
The jagged glass cut the dog's head severely, infuriated, smarting with pain, it ran behind the mirror and here and there among the furniture, searching for its shadowy adversary.
A number of persons halted to watch it. Just then a girl came along leading a pet dog. The bulldog sprang at the pet and bit it badly before Bennings could drag it away.
The Evening News March 14, 1907
thanks to vintage for sending me this "stupid pit tricks"!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Bulldog Is Dreadnaught Of the Canine Type Constructed By Nature In A Belligerent Mood

The bulldog is dreadnaught of the canine tribe. He was constructed by nature in a belligerent mood, and is admirably fitted for anarchy and rebellion.
The bulldog is not as large as the mastiff, which is something for which to be thankful. He has a round, tapering body, a foreshortened tail, front legs shaped like two sides of a lyre and a chest which is so broad that you have to get around on one side to see the rest of him. The most distinguishing feature of the bulldog is his head. This is round, finished off at the top with small round ears, and for the rest is composed almost entirely of jaw.
The bulldog's jaw is capacious, and is very substantially made, so as to enable him to grab an automobile by the hind wheel and shake the engine out of it if necessary. Both upper and lower jaws are profusely decorated with a menacing and unsociable look which prevents strangers from picking him up and taking him home to play with.
Nature heartlessly gave the bulldog only the rudiments of a nose which looks as if it had been kicked by a mule. It has defective flues and gives the owner a painful exhaust. The bulldog has a retreating forehead, which is only natural, however. No one can blame the blame the forehead from wanting to get away from that face.
Tenacity and determination are the keynotes of the bulldog's nature, and these have made him famous. His jaws have a timelock attachment, and when they cannot be opened until the full of the moon. A United States senator holding onto his vested interests is a vacillating and fickle creature compared with the bulldog which has closed his face upon some hostile object. Many a marauder who has attempted to rob a farmhouse equipped with a pink-eyed bulldog is now mournfully engaged in trying to wear the creature off of his person with very poor success.
Because of their faithful and well-directed ferocity, bulldogs are greatly beloved by their owners exclusively. Moreover, they are highly prized for their ugliness, just as impressionist pictures are. An abnormally bow-legged bulldog with a five gallon chest and a face which looks like an old rubber shoe in a fit, will frequently bring $1,000 to his designer.
In spite of their appearance and their talents, bulldogs are affectionate and kind with those to whom they have been properly introduced. For this reason we should strive at all times to enlarge our social acquaintances with bulldogs, especially when traveling in a strange country.
Saturday, January 15, 1916
dreadnought |ˈdredˌnôt| (also dreadnaught )
1 historical a type of battleship introduced in the early 20th century, larger and faster than its predecessors and equipped entirely with large-caliber guns.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Vintage Thoughts on Bulldogs
Memoirs of British Quadrupeds, Rev. W. Bingley, 1809.
The Bulldog. A Monograph, third edition, Edgar Farman
"Canine Castle"

1846 illustration from "Punch"
The Bulldog, devoted solely to the most barbarous and infamous purposes, the real blackguard of his species, has no claim upon utility, humanity, or common sense, and the total extinction of the breed is a desirable consummation.—
The Bulldog. A Monograph, third edition, Edgar Farman
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Dogography by Francis Butler 1856
This is a quirky little book, a biography of a dog named Tiger and written from Tiger's point of view. Tiger's father is described as a "40 lb white as snow, pure bred bull-dog", an undefeated champion pit fighter. His mother is described as a "perfect specimen of a Scotch terrier". Tiger is described as looking like his father. In the 100 pages of Tiger's life, he kills, dogs, cats, snakes, monkeys, muskrats, hogs, beavers, rats and wolves. Tiger even attempted to drown a poodle that he was competing with. It is unclear if this story is based on a real dog or if Tiger was owned by Butler.
Here are a few excerpts from the book.
These attacks had engendered in me a certain mistrust of the whole fraternity, so that with all strangers I assumed a dignified, distant, self-confident demeanor, which seldom failed to impose respect even from the most refractory. But a word from my master was enough: cat, dog, badger, bull, or bear, all were one to me. At his command I seized my antagonist, regardless of danger, thoughtless of my own safety, and bent on destruction. He, and he alone, could restrain my fury, and even then did I reluctantly obey his commends, such was the violence of my excited temper. I was born so, and to conquer it has been the main study of my life, though I succeeded only to a certain extent; but without education I might have lived a perfect hyena, lacerating friend and foe, seeking for blood, a scourge to the flock and the pest of society.
The noble Nero was more akin to my father's blood, though, to the best of my knowledge, not related to either of us. To a stranger his outward appearance was repulsive to the extreme, though in form and symmetrical proportions none had ever excelled him. His mother was born in Dublin, his father in Warwick, England, while he first saw the light within the immediate sound of the New Jersey bull-frogs, catydids, tree-toads, and musketos. His parents were both of as pure bull-stock as the Old Country could furnish, of well-tried pluck and immeasurable daring. Alas! I am sorry to avow it, these were the only qualities of which they could boast, or rather of which they had no reason to be proud. These were the unimproved gifts of nature, which, if duly restrained and well directed, might have rendered them matchless guardians and faithful companions. None dared to boast of their friendship, while all dreaded them as enemies. Uncertain in their affections, undiscriminating in their antipathies, their names were honored alone by dog fighters and bullies. His father was a smooth coated brindle bull-dog, with the most horrid looking phiz that was ever exhibited to the public: large staring eyes, high forehead, short nose, and projecting under jaw, displaying in full his weapons of assault and defence, accompanied by a daring grin, which debarred all visitors from courting his acquaintance. Of his valor he bore undoubted marks. Two of his ribs were stove in by a bull, one of his legs was broken by a bear, while he indented scalp bore evident traces of hard fought battles, in one which his right ear was gnawed off, close to the skull. Certainly there was nothing prepossessing in his appearance, except his dread naught, dare devil expression; and as he was thoroughly tutored in the sublime art of seizing, lacerating and destroying, his life was devoted to the unlimited exercise of his ungovernable passions. His mother was of a similar class: about his equal in size and, and displaying equal purity of blood. She was the property of an Irishman, who prided himself in her ferocity even more than in his own. He had every reason to glory in it, as she was as ferocious as a hyena; so much so, that the near-dwellers, who greatly feared lest she might break loose and slake her fury on some innocent object, decided one day, during the absence of her master, on ridding themselves of her dreaded attacks. Thus terminated the career of the mother of one of the best of quadrupeds that ever was trained by dog or man.
Francis Butler (1810-1874), author, veterinarian, and possibly the first "dog whisperer"
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Vintage's Top Pit Bull Aviation Moments in History

The latest tactic in the Great Pit Spinster Movement (you know the ones, childless females who are on a Mission from God to ensure the United States has as many pit bull maulings as possible) seems to be decrying Civil Rights violations at every possible venue where a fighting dog should not be. The latest cause célèbre is petitioning oppressive airline companies for sensible restrictions on the transport of pit bulls. Below are the top pit bull aviation moments in history….
After sinking your teeth into them; does anyone have a sane reason why a Pit Bull should be allowed within 1000 feet of an aircraft?!?
Vintage's Top Pit Bull Aviation Moments in History:
1. Fort Wayne International Airport, Indiana, October 21, 2001. A real life episode of “The Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” occurs when a pit bull being trafficked aboard a Kitty Hawk transport flight escaped its cage. The animal cornered members of the crew forcing an emergency landing and aircraft evacuation. Emergency crews and Animal Control respond.
News-Sentinel October 29, 2001

2. American Airlines 757 flight July 22, 2002; “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet “ remake occured when a pit bull being trafficked from San Diego to New York chewed out of its cage in cargo hold of airliner, then attacked the aircraft communication components and chewed an 8 inch hole in the aircraft bulkhead.
pit bulls on planes: part 2

3. Dulles International Airport, December 11, 2009; Two pit bulls being trafficked to South Korea shut down Dulles Airport…. One of the Pitties chewed his way out of his kennel, then chewed his way into the kennel of the other one…. All hell then broke loose when they tried to kill each other on the tarmac. The airport was shutdown while Law Enforcement responded and pumped lead to terminate the “scuffle”.

4. Atlantic City, New Jersey, July 6, 1911; A “Canine Idiot” bull terrier ran into the propeller of famous aviation pioneer Harry N. Attwood’s airplane as he attempted to take off to complete the last leg of an aviation contest sponsored by the New York Times. Attwood’s damaged aircraft took off, then plummeted into the surf in front of a crowd of thousands. Remember, aircraft aggression is not the same as human aggression….
New York Times, July 8, 1911

5. Fort Still, Okalahoma, February 15, 1919, Another Canine Idiot Bulldog attacked the propeller of a Squadron’s aircraft that was preparing to move back to their home base. The aircraft movement was delayed until the aircraft was repaired. And they wonder why pit bulls are banned from Military bases…
Idiot Dog vs Airplane

6. Naval Air Station Lakehurst, New Jersey, May 6, 1931;…. Canine Idiot- “Tige” the bulldog mascot, latched on to a cast of rope of departing US Navy blimp. Tige subsequently soared to 400 feet, then plummeted to his death in a forest. Perhaps this is why military airfields approach paths are routed away from neighborhoods……
The Calgary Daily Herald. May 6, 1931

7. Stockton Airport, CA, November 27, 1990. 8 dog fighters were arrested getting off a chartered flight returning from a dog fight in Memphis. California and Tennessee have had nearly 50 pit bulldog bite related fatalities between them but dog fighters have nothing to do with it….
The Union Democrat November 27, 1990

8. Calgary International Airport, Canada, 2009; Police were summoned to assist with a pit bull being trafficked to an unknown destination. The animal had chewed it’s way out of it’s kennel. Odd, usually Pit Bulls are trafficked into Calgary…..

Saturday, March 17, 2012
"Breeding, Training, Management, Diseases Of Dogs", by Francis Butler

Projecting teeth, small ear and forehead high ; Capacious chest, with muscle, well displayed. The Boxer's bully, and the Tinker's jade ; For them he fights, the scars alone his prize, True to the last, for them, unpitied dies. Exposed his vices, now his merits scan ; The latter real, the former due to man. By nature true, courageous, serious, stern ; Excited oft, his latent passions burn ; Rude urchins, educated in the street, Rowdies genteel, who on the corners meet ; Some men of sense and title too, in fine, Make cruel pastime of this brave Canine. Concealed to view, and worried, day by day, Trained to the Bait, the Battle and the Fray, Inured to hardship, 'reft of every friend, His life's a torment, and a boon his end. Tho' few his social virtues dare to boast, Yet those who know him best, will prize him most ;
While others yap, and yelp and yell, and fly, Carve o'er his grave ; " I conquer or I die.