The remaining neanderthals fighting amongst themselves at the end is a nice touch.
vintage found this gem of a dog fight bust. I happened to notice this story about a LOYAL SKYE TERRIER right above it. The Skye Terrier was mentioned on the truth blog. He is the current holder of the worst ATTS scores.

The Sun, New York, NY, August 7, 1893
If the skye terrier gets the lowest score, I'm playing it like golf...low score wins.
But in reality, you can't go by that either. the ATTS is meaningless as you've shown.
What a sad story of loyalty.
I looks like pit bull owners were endowed with the same talent then as now - lying.
Oh, and the title jolted me - how can it be that the dogfighter/cockroach simile has been so seldom used?
Speaking of lies there's a new propaganda film out about pit bulls called guilty until proven innocent. Think you'll write a review?
it is doubtful that i will watch it, unless it is made freely available on the internet. it will be 60 minutes of the same old propaganda.
1) pit bulls are victims
2) people train them to fight and attack
3) nanny dogs
5) man biters were culled
6) first it was german shepherds, then dobies, then rotts and now it is the pit bull.
7) they will show photos of pit bulls who were victims of organized dog fighting and abuse, interspersed with photos of vick suited up for court and vick dog hector or johnny justice, a law dog, a service dog and a "nanny" dog.
8) ledy vankavage will close their prayer with all dogs are individuals and it is racist to treat them as group.
9) the pit bull song will play as the list of "famous" pit bull owners scrolls the screen and fades to black from a baby snuggling with a pit bull.
most likely, the film maker putz jeffy will interview dodman or dunbar and diane jessup. if karen delise makes an appearance, i might watch it. i would like to see what she looks like when she is lying. i study liars.
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